In the 1960's, the motto "Sex, drugs and rock and roll"
could be heard throughout campuses around the continent and was
a socially acceptable way of life for young people. Sex and drugs
went hand in hand. Now, more than 30 years later, have things changed?
Not really. Alcohol and drug use is just as prevalent as it ever
was, although perhaps the drugs of choice have changed. In any case,
drugs and alcohol still affect sex and sexual behavior.
Alcohol has been used as an aphrodisiac for thousands of years.
After a drink or two, many people claim that they feel more amorous.
Often couples share a few drinks to get in the mood - a nice romantic
dinner with a bottle of wine is frequently a prelude to sex. Why
is this? Perhaps as we tend to be more relaxed, and less anxious
about such things as problems at work or tasks we must accomplish;
we are then able to direct our attention to one of our more basic
So, is gin really a panty remover? Well, yes it probably is as
another effect alcohol produces is liberation from your inhibitions.
This may explain why so many inebriated people at bars go home with
strangers they've just met. First of all, it is much easier to approach
a pretty girl after a few drinks, and if she talks to you, it becomes
much easier to invite her over to your place. In turn, on her part,
if she is a little drunk, the chances of her accepting your offer
are increased significantly over a situation wherein she was sober.
Alcohol makes people throw caution to the wind and say "Why
not!" In fact, most people that have fairly conservative values
can usually think of at least one instance where they have had sex
with an unsuitable partner because they were drunk, when they otherwise
would not have. When we drink, we seem to loose our rationality
and operate on a more primal level.
The other key factors in the link between alcohol consumption and
sex are simple but important ones. Alcohol makes us confident. When
you are under the influence you feel invincible! People that are
confident are more attractive to the opposite sex and therefore
have an easier time finding sex partners. Because we feel so confident
when we have been drinking, the other related illusion we deceive
ourselves with is that our actions will have no consequences
for if we are invincible, there can't possibly be any negative consequences
as a result of our actions.
Some drugs are also considered sexual stimulants. Marijuana is
often thought of as a "love drug" and is widely thought
to make people feel more amorous than usual. This probably has a
lot to do with the fact that pot helps you to relax and also for
many people heightens general awareness. For women to achieve orgasm,
it is essential that they are relaxed, so some women claim that
they have an easier time reaching climax with the use of this drug.
Smoking grass also puts most people in a good frame of mind and
consequently most people claim that they feel happy and generally
content while using this drug. It also can heighten the sensations
of touch all over the body. This said, it is no wonder people feel
that marijuana may be considered as a sexual enhancer.