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Kegel Exercises
Chapter 2

Exercising using the Kegel method can be done nearly any time and place that you feel comfortable. Some people do them first thing in the morning and in their beds before going to sleep. You can watch television, read your book or nearly any other activity that you'd like to do simultaneously. There are also some products on the market that can be used to enhance Kegel exercises which some people find helps them to more effectively isolate the correct muscles. Also, certain devices can actually increase the effects of this exercise in the same way that sit ups can be done with or without equipment.

By using Dr. Kegel's methods, you will notice an improvement in muscle control in about six to twelve weeks. If you suffer from incontinence, the difference should be dramatic. This is such a simple and painless exercise that there is really no reason not perform Kegels daily, when so many positive benefits can be derived from it. Keeping your body healthy while improving your sex life seems like a great idea to me!


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