The Perfect Kiss
What was Shakespeare referring to when he wrote of the "seal
of love"? Kissing is defined by the dictionary as a touch or
pressure given with the lips in token of affection, greeting, or
reverence; a salute or caress given with the lips. Kissing means
different things to different people, depending on the circumstance
of the kiss and the manner in which it is delivered.
Obviously there are several different reasons for kissing. Parents
kiss their children to show love and affection. Friends and family
often kiss each other as a salutation hello or good-bye. One may
kiss the hand of royalty or religious icon out of respect and admiration.
Lovers kiss to show affection and lust for each other. This last
type of kissing is what we will investigate and concentrate on in
this article.
There are times when a kiss is simply a tight mouthed peck on the
cheek or lips - a common way for lovers to greet each other after
a long day at work, or to say goodnight after turning off the lights.
It is used almost as punctuation and many people aren't even aware
that they use it in this ritualistic way. However, a kiss may be
used in a considerably more tender way to proclaim love. This is
generally expressed with a soft kiss, usually on the lips or elsewhere
on the face. Many a sleeping lover's forehead receives such attentions
in the night as an expression of tenderness.
The most moving kind of a kiss that lovers share is the kind that
is linked to sexual arousal. Lips have many nerve endings and are
one of the body's most sensitive erogenous zones. Kissing affects
the adrenal, the pituitary glands and the gonads which are in large
responsible for controlling sexual behavior. The French Kiss, also
referred to as the Soul Kiss, is an open mouthed, deep kiss in which
lovers probe each others mouths with their tongues. This erotic
act may vary considerably from person to person, usually forming
a large component of foreplay preceding intercourse. Deep kissing
may be composed of several different variations. Generally, lovers
alternate between keeping their lips parted, softly kissing, to
opening their mouths quite wide and probing quite firmly with their
tongues. A deep kiss can be one of the most enjoyable experiences
to share with your lover. You may also incorporate elements such
as licking, nibbling, sucking or biting the other persons lip or
lips. It's a great deal of fun to discover your partner's secret
places that drive them wild. Caressing your partner, particularly
on the face, also enhances the kiss. Sometimes if kissing gets very
intense and you bite and suck your partner's skin a little too vigorously,
you will give your lover a "hickey", which is a red spot
like a bruise on the skin. Hickey's are often visible on the necks
of young lovers... though considerably less so on older ones. As
a general rule it is not the greatest idea to give an adult a hickey
as many would feel completely embarrassed going to the office with
a love bite on their neck and thus, certainly wouldn't appreciate
one. A way around this is to give them a hickey on another part
of the body that won't show when they are dressed. This kind of
kissing often stops during intercourse, as most people are too involved
in the act of lovemaking to proceed with it. However, it is always
quite pleasurable to kiss other parts of the body during lovemaking,
from head to toe. Common erogenous zones that respond well to this
are the neck, the ears, the shoulders, the stomach, the inner thighs,
the bottom and the genitals. Even the smallest of kisses can bring
some to their knees if it's done correctly.