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The Secrets to Prolonging Sex
Chapter 2
Another technique which you may use in conjunction with the ab
squeeze is to perform Kegel exercises while you are having sex.
Kegels involve flexing the PC muscle. If you aren't sure what muscle
this is, you can find it by stopping urination in mid-flow…
the muscle you use to perform this is your pubococcygeus or PC.
Using the same timing structure as the ab flex, perform your Kegels
periodically as you engage in sexual activities and you will certainly
enhance your stamina. Although less effective for some than the
ab flex, when used in conjunction and when practiced regularly,
Kegel exercises are definitely beneficial. They not only can help
to prolong the sex act, but additionally serve to help you achieve
maximum erectile strength, prevent incontinence, allow for stronger
urinations, increase ejaculate, create stronger orgasms and best
of all, permit the elusive male multiple orgasm. Read this article
for further information on Kegel exercises. Belly breathing (from
the diaphragm) directly after performing either the ab or PC flex
additionally aids in prolonging time to orgasm. This type of respiration
may also be used on its own to accomplish the same objectives, although
it is less effective.
By far the most powerful sex organ is the mind. It stands to reason
therefore, that if we can master our minds, we will have significantly
more control over our sexual stamina. The most effective method
of controlling and timing orgasm is to divert your attention to
another topic. I'm sure you have heard of or tried to "think
of something else" while engaged in intercourse. This isn't
very helpful as in the heat of passion it's often hard to dream
up subject matter to otherwise occupy your imagination. Therefore,
we're going to tell you what to think about! The following is a
simple and yet very effective technique to prolong sex: perform
mental mathematical calculations! The best way to do this we've
found is to pick two numbers at random, and multiply them, then
take the result and perform a random math operation on it with a
further random number, for example: 3 times 8=24…
divided by 6=4…
plus 12= 16…
times 2= 32 minus 5=27 and so on.
This activity is mentally engrossing and uses a different part
of your brain, thoroughly diverting your attention from the body's
impulse to ejaculate and thus significantly prolonging time to orgasm.
There are also a variety of products designed to de-sensitize the
penis and therefore prolong ejaculation including the Fleshlight STU (Stamina Training Unit). This is an excellent and very pleasurable way to train!
While all of these techniques are certainly effective if tried
on occasion, they are significantly more so if practiced regularly.
This means, every time you masturbate, you should make an effort
to try them. This isn't just for practice mind you… the exercise
will significantly increase the intensity of your orgasms, which
is never a bad thing! This fact is due to the increased level of
sexual tension you create by staving off ejaculation for as long
as you can. Ejaculation can be a choice, not an involuntary reaction.
Your partner will definitely approve and you'll obviously feel more
confident regarding your sexual prowess. With all these benefits,
why wouldn't you give these techniques a try? Best of luck and remember
practice makes perfect!
For a great book on this subject matter check out Male Sexual Endurance: A Man's Book About Ejaculatory Control